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Business School Staff vs MScs cricket match report

The Business School staff team continued their run of industrious defeats on Wednesday 26th June against a squad of talented MSc players in a fine day of cricket at Grove Farm. The match ended in dramatic fashion, with the final outcome of the game in the balance up until the last ball of the game …

Staff vs MBA: Match Report – The smell of victory in the afternoon

In cricket, catches win matches. Runs are nice and economical bowling not to be sniffed at. But the true art of cricket is catching. Keep that in mind. The game began amid the kind of low hanging cloud that makes an MBA pace bowler salivate. Yet, favourable bowling conditions could not stop Simon M (24) …

News from a BESTS Scholar in Toronto

I had read their work. I had written about their contributions. I had even admired them from afar. Now it was time to spend some quality academic time with some of the most established CSR and Marketing scholars at Schulich School of Business (York University, Toronto) as part of my BESTS award from the University …

Is Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Practice an Emerging Profession?

I recently moved to the UK after writing my PhD dissertation on the topic of professional ethics (at the University of Toronto). Upon arriving at ICCSR, I was interested to learn that several organizations in the UK (e.g. GACSO and CRG) are considering establishing professional bodies (or institutes) for Corporate Responsibility (CR) and Sustainability practitioners. What …

Gender and Responsible Business – What’s the link?

Like many feminists, I have spent much of my life encouraging, supporting, and pressurizing policy-makers to advance gender equality through legislation, and through gender sensitive budgeting and policy development. To this end I have worked with government representatives in the UK, Australia, and internationally, and with numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In the 1980s and 90s …

Philanthropy for Business Ethics… down-under

… or ‘up-over’ depending on your perspective…   It is a great honour to have been awarded the position of Gourlay Professor for Ethics in Business 2013, at Trinity College, University of Melbourne. This fellowship is a result of a very generous philanthropic endowment of John and Louise Gourlay[i] with the express intention of taking …

The Business and Management Games Room at Mayfest 2013

    Colleagues from across the Business School supported the Business and Management Games Room at Mayfest this year.  The concept of the room was to use simple games to demonstrate aspects of banking, finance, marketing, management and ethics.                 At the Bank of Richard visitors were encouraged to …

Envisioning Sustainable Futures – Sustainability Research Network Launch

This week marks the official launch of the Sustainability Research Network (SRN) at the University of Nottingham; a student-led initiative designed to bring together PhD students and early careers researchers with an interest in sustainability. The network has been developed by five PhD students: Georgina Wood (Geography), Sarah Glozer (ICCSR), Eleanor Hadley Kershaw (ISS), Jennifer …

The glorious reign is over – NUBS staff defeated by the Undergraduates

The staff’s glorious (one-year) reign of holding the NUBS staff-student cricket trophy came to an inglorious end on 8th May at Grove Farm cricket fields, on the banks of the Trent.  In a ruthless display, the undergraduates reclaimed the trophy, winning by 9 wickets.  Winning the toss, the staff struggled in the seamer-friendly conditions, but …

Responsible Tourism – a research note

Ever since ‘sustainable tourism’ emerged in response to the negative impacts of the tourism industry, it has been the subject of much scepticism and critique. Of particular note is the question of whether tourism can be thought of as a sustainable practice at all; “it’s either sustainable or its not!” As these (absolutist) debates rumble …