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The role of accountants in measuring environmental sustainability

The Role of Accountants in measuring environmental sustainability: A report from the ICAS sustainability essay competition awards 2012 This year the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) launched a sustainability essay competition, sponsored by Grant Thornton, with the aim of increasing awareness of environmental sustainability and the role that the accounting profession has to play; …

One Year On… PhD Students Reflect (honestly!)

When we were asked to write a blog on our reflections of our first year as PhD students we were slightly overwhelmed with the possibility of it. Should we offer sound advice for next year’s newbies? Should we be totally honest about the ups and downs? In the end we have tried to do both…. …

Conflict Diamonds: A Hollywood Ending?

On a particularly rainy day I found myself re-watching Blood Diamond, the Hollywood blockbuster starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou. It tracks the fate of a prisoner of war (Hounsou) who is separated from his family during the civil war in Sierra Leone. His path crosses with diamond smuggler DiCaprio, and they both end up …

Can we shop for a better world?

This year’s ICCSR conference dedicated a track and Special Issue to this topical question, with specific reference to the inconsistencies in ethical consumer behaviour. In interviews, consumers often express a profound concern for social and environmental issues and identify how they will carry their attitudes into the stores (buying eco, fair trade, organic – or …

‘Getting away from it all’: further reflections on responsible tourism

….In the last holiday blog I mentioned that tourism, even ostensibly responsible forms of ‘spending time away’, embodies certain tensions and contradictions. One question posed was: 1. To what extent can tourism be responsible for the environment when most holidays involve flights to foreign destinations, and require comparatively high usage of resources? This excerpt fleshes …

Presenting to the media: a survivors’ guide.

Following the latest week long Sustainable Decisions and Organisations MBA Module (see changing behaviours ), John Ware former BBC Panorama Journalist and a regular at the ‘faux’ press conference offered the following advice to students. With his permission, we thought it was advice worth sharing more broadly. ———— I want to stress again that NO CRITICISM was intended last Friday when abuse was …

Changing behaviours is difficult stuff.

Changing behaviours is difficult stuff. Years of public information campaigns to reduce smoking and drink-driving bear testament to the cost and time required in convincing people to make safer and healthier lifestyle choices. So why then, as I reflect on a recent teaching experience with aspiring MBAs, am I surprised at the time it seems …

Doctoral CSR Research: future themes, novel methods and getting published!

On the 25th of April, the ICCSR welcomed 24 PhD students from Europe, the United States, Australia and UK for the ICCSR 10th Anniversary PhD workshop titled ‘Experimental Economics & Qualitative Research in Business and Society Studies’. During this day, we were able to share ideas, exchange tips and discuss issues faced during the exciting …

CSR Futures: Knowledge and Practice

Recent ICCSR symposiums and conferences have addressed more narrow topics such as: ‘Business, Government and CSR’; ‘Comparative CSR’; ‘Learning about Responsible Business from Stakeholders’; ‘Corporations and Human Rights’; and ‘Corporate Innovation and Sustainable Community Development’, ‘Stakeholder Democracy’.  Others, in partnership with our colleagues at Nottingham’s Malaysia and China campuses, have addressed regional questions: ‘CSR in …

Is CSR taking root in East Africa?

The 2nd East African Awards Ceremony was held in Dar es Salaam on the 17th April, 2012.  They were sponsored by Bank M in partnership with East Africa Business Council and Africa Practice amongst others. As one of the judges in the award’s judging panel, I had hoped that the 1st East African Awards held …