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Not another academic conference?

‘Not another academic conference?’ is the usual refrain from our friends and families as we pack our bags for another … er… academic conference. And with our proverbial responsible and sustainable business hat on, the question – and implied criticism – are all the more telling. I once heard a colleague explain that by attending …

No more business as usual?

CSR and CSI in the financial sector in times of crisis The financial crisis has brought about severe consequences for our economy and society and we are still witnessing a fragile recovery and debates of lending rate manipulation, excessive executive remuneration, money laundering and secret transactions. Albeit in the context of regulatory failure and borrower …

Is there a different CSR future in Asia?

Presumably! However, we still do not know the exact answer. At this year’s ICCSR Conference CSR Futures, we raised this timely issue in the CSR Asia dedicated track: Asian CSR and its dynamics. Why Asia? Asia is emerging as indicated by its astonishing economic growth and opportunities. However, as Kent Walker, one of the presenters at the …

Beyond 2015: Moving Forward on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

The role and impact of business in development continues to generate a lot of discussion and debate.  At CSR Futures the ICCSR’s 10th Anniversary Conference, a track was dedicated to discuss the contribution of business to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  Participants in the track were eager to discuss whether business as development stakeholders …

CSR Futures: the practitioner perspective

One of the highlights of CSR Futures was the practitioner panel, who were asked to consider the future of CSR and Sustainability, the following summarises the key points: Gerry Boyle, Head of Business Relations, Oxfam Emphasised the importance of ensuring that corporate sustainability agendas embrace social as well as environmental impacts. That there remains a …

What gets measured gets managed? Examining the impact of external CSR metrics

The number of popular ratings and rankings that measure various aspects of CSR continues to grow. A survey conducted by the consultancy SustainAbility in 2010 identified 108 different CSR ratings and indices, of which only 21 existed in 2000 (SustainAbility, 2010). A key driver in this growth is the Responsible Investment (RI) industry, which uses …

28th EGOS Colloquium – my first international academic conference!

Earlier this month I presented a paper at the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) conference in Helsinki, my first ever encounter with the world of international academic conferences! I had big plans for this event: first, learn about new research in the field of CSR; second, get feedback on my work and third, network …

CSR or sustainability education – the practitioners perspective (or wearing many hats).

As a precursor to CSR Futures – the conference marking the 10th anniversary of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility – Alumni of the MBA in CSR and MA/MSc in CSR programmes – now working in related fields, were invited to share their views on the profession with students past and present. In particular, …

CSR dynamics and context

One of the most intriguing things about CSR is how it changes and how it is contextualised.  Jean-Pascal Gond and I explored these themes in the ‘Introduction’ to our Routledge Major Text Corporate Social Responsibility (2011), reproduced in ICCSR Research Paper (59 – 2011). Following up this interest, we included a stream on CSR dynamics …

NUBS Staff – Student Cricket

They’ve already marked our exams so let’s thrash the lecturers. After many years of being thwarted by the weather and lack of players, the inaugural staff vs MSc students cricket match eventually took place yesterday.  As you will see, the MSc students adhered to the noble traditions established by the undergrads and MBAs, namely “They’ve …