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Posts by ICCSR

Is CSR taking root in East Africa?

The 2nd East African Awards Ceremony was held in Dar es Salaam on the 17th April, 2012.  They were sponsored by Bank M in partnership with East Africa Business Council and Africa Practice amongst others. As one of the judges in the award’s judging panel, I had hoped that the 1st East African Awards held …

Sustainability reporting on the SGX: A driver for better business?

As I laid out the name badges on the decadently dressed registration table, rifling through my bag for a Nottingham branded pen, I sat back and smiled. My guests would soon arrive, and the delicately robed perch-tables would, I hoped, be awash with neatly placed nibbles and confidently extended hands, aptly framed with the magnificent panoramic view …

The Business of Advocating for Gender Equality

Not content with just one publication on gender and CSR (see our other blog, Women Mean Business), last month saw the release of another collaboration, this time with Oxfam. ‘Gender Equality: It’s you business’ is number seven in Oxfam International’s Briefings for Business series. It offers practical advice on achieving gender equality in four key …

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Business Education for Responsible Capitalism

As is often the case following a business debacle, debate ensues about making business and capitalism more responsible.  In the UK, Messrs Cameron and Miliband are scoring points off each other by offering ‘more responsible capitalisms than thou’, and more widely some business leaders are pointing to ethical, governance and regulatory business shortcomings.  All very …

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The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

Or officially POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.  That’s for sponsorship reasons which will be made clear shortly. The Greatest Movie is the third movie in our annual Doing the Business film season, in partnership with the Broadway Cinema. Launched in 2011, The Greatest Movie is, narrowly, about product placement and, more broadly, …

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Women Mean Business

Tuesday the 6th March has been a very busy day for those of us working in the field of gender, sustainability and CSR. The UN Women’s Empowerment Principles annual seminar is playing out on a live webcast as I type, and Oxfam have launched a new Briefings for Business on gender equality. This morning I …

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China’s Three Gorges Dam an Expensive Lesson?

The prize-winning documentary “Up the Yangtze”, shown in Nottingham last night as the second event in the “Doing the Business film series organised by the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, is a heart-wrenching story of the sad fate of a peasant family forced to leave their home as it is flooded by the giant …

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Up the Yangtze

Take a “Farewell Tour” up the Yangtze river on board a luxury cruise ship and marvel at the dramatic sights, sounds and cultures of China New and Old. Stand at the foot of the magnificent hydroelectric Three Gorges Dam – an icon of the Chinese economic miracle – and contemplate the sheer scale and speed …

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A CSR research seminar in Ghent

The night before… I have arrived in the beautiful city of Ghent to be met by couples cosying up under big red papier-mâché hearts and fairy lights in pizzerias along the river… It’s Valentines Day 2012 and I have arrived in this quaint Belgian city to talk about my true love tomorrow: my PhD in …

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