The Tempest @ Warwick Arts Centre Cinema
April 30, 2011
Julie Taymor has had a rough year. She’s a favourite director of mine – I love her Titus and Across the Universe, and she’s borne herself pretty well through the fiasco that has been (and continues to be) Spider-Man: The Musical. It’s true, too, that we need a good film of The Tempest. Derek Jarman’s …
The Tempest (Little Angel Theatre/RSC) @ The Swan Theatre
March 18, 2011
Writing about web page What a treat to be back in the Swan. I haven’t been inside my favourite Stratford theatre since The Penelopiad back in 2007, and it’s wonderful to see it looking (on the inside, at any rate) exactly as it did before the closure, albeit with more comfortable seats. The first …
The Tempest (Cheek by Jowl/Chekhov International Drama Festival) @ Warwick Arts Centre
March 3, 2011
Writing about web page The Russians are back. Cheek by Jowl’s Russian wing have previously brought us wonderful versions of Twelfth Night, Three Sisters and Boris Gudonov, and a return to Shakespeare was extremely welcome. It’s a pleasure to report that the ensemble once again proved that there’s plenty of fresh insight to be …
Taymor’s Tempest
October 6, 2010
Well, if you’re going to do Shakespeare on film, you might as well make it spectacular! Event.onDOMReady(function(){ object729651 = new FlashObject(“”,’object729651′,”425″,”350″); object729651.addParam(“wmode”,”transparent”); object729651.align = “left”; object729651.write(“video_729651”); }); Good use of Sigur Ros too!
A Tempest (Krazy Kat Theatre) @ Warwick Arts Centre Studio
November 2, 2009
There’s a bit of a gap in Shakespearean performance criticism. Despite the quality and inventiveness of theatre for children all around the country, it falls beneath the notice of most reviewers, with the implication that it is considered not to be of substantial intellectual or creative merit. This is an enormous shame, as a viewing …
The Tempest in Adaptation @ The CAPITAL Centre Studio
May 1, 2009
Writing about web page Shakespeare Page-to-Stage-to-Page is a specialist module for English undergraduate finalists, concerned with Shakespearean performance and with a particular concern for adaptation and reviewing. As part of the class, the students work on a practical project, highlights of which opened the CAPITAL Centre’s New Work Festival today. The small audience were …
The Tempest (Baxter Theatre Centre) @ The Courtyard Theatre
February 24, 2009
Writing about web page When the Complete Works Festival finished, we were promised that it would be an "engine of change" at the RSC, ushering in home and international collaborations and more new work. However, after a couple of months, the RSC was taken over by the Histories and then the last summer season …
Mirren and Brand
October 7, 2008
Writing about web page I can get on board with Russell Brand playing Trinculo in a new film version of The Tempest. In many ways I think he might actually be a revelation in the role, though equally he might unbalance the film. Still, one to keep an eye on. But who is Helen …
The Tempest (Warwick Students’ Art Festival) @ University of Warwick Piazza
June 24, 2008
This pared-down version of The Tempest was the first of two Shakespeare production in the 2008 Warwick Student Arts Festival. Its novel setting, in the mock classical amphitheatre of the University of Warwick’s Piazza, combined with a sunny Monday afternoon to create a festive atmosphere for what was essentially an exhibition piece, Shakespeare for Shakespeare’s …
Antony Sher and John Kani in The Tempest
June 9, 2008
Hugely exciting press release from the RSC today! For those who don’t have time to follow links, the RSC are collaborating with the Baxter Theatre company on a new production of The Tempest starring Anthony Sher as Prospero and John Kani as Caliban. It’s opening at the Baxter’s home in South Africa then transferring to …
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