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Taymor’s Tempest

Well, if you’re going to do Shakespeare on film, you might as well make it spectacular! Event.onDOMReady(function(){ object729651 = new FlashObject(“http://www.youtube.com/v/Q-HIf4VL-7I&fs=1&hl=en”,’object729651′,”425″,”350″); object729651.addParam(“wmode”,”transparent”); object729651.align = “left”; object729651.write(“video_729651”); }); Good use of Sigur Ros too!

Where’s Shakespeare?

Regular readers might have been wondering what’s happened to the Bard in Bardathon over the last couple of months. Partly, it’s that there’s been a glut of non-Shakespeare early modern drama produced recently – plays by Middleton, Kyd, Chettle, Marlowe, Ford – all of which come around far less rarely than Shakespeare, so I’ve been prioritising …

Upcoming non–Shakespeare

I’m feeling a little bit swamped by the embarrassment of productions of non-Shakespearean early modern drama coming up in September. Here are just a few (thanks to Duncan for most of these): Jonson’s The Magnetic Lady at the White Bear. Kyd’s Spanish Tragedy at the Rose Bankside. Jonson’s Alchemist at Hoxton Hall Ford’s ‘Tis Pity …

Song of the Goat’s Macbeth

Writing about web page http://www.barbican.org.uk/theatre/event-detail.asp?ID=11061&utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CCSBIT140710A&utm_content=101%20weekly%20artform%20email Very exciting this. Coming to the Barbican in November is the long-awaited Macbeth by Song of the Goat Theatre. This is the production that was premiered as a work-in-progress during the RSC’s Complete Works Festival, and even back then it was a breathtakingly physical and visceral collection of scenes. Don’t …

The Donmar King Lear

I genuinely don’t know how excited I am about this – Michael Grandage is directing Derek Jacobi in King Lear at the Donmar, opening in December. I’ve enjoyed the three Grandage productions I’ve seen, but they have all been rather safe, which is the same reaction I’ve had to Jacobi’s performances in the past. Still, …

Fiennes’ Coriolanus blog

Writing about web page http://30ninjas.com/blog/ralph-fiennes-coriolanus-blog-photos-from-the-set Following up a tip from Duncan, here’s a link to Ralph Fiennes’ Coriolanus blog. He’s playing the title role in a major new motion picture, so I’ll be following this with some interest.

Shakespeare Remixed

From next week, Tara Arts are presenting their "Shakespeare Remixed" Festival, which looks ace. Mini-productions of Othello, Lear, Macbeth, Romeo, Pericles and Dream by a variety of companies. I’ll be seeing the Romeo, presented by the Tiny Ninja Theater, but I’ll be very happy to hear from anyone who makes it to any of the …

Hamlet at Elsinore

There’s so much early modern drama going on in the next few months that I’m having to be pretty ruthless with myself about what I’m allowing myself to go to. I’ll be focussing on personal favourites, locals and rare plays: so, plenty of room for the National’s Women Beware Women, the RSC’s Lear, the Globe’s Henry VIII and …

Review of the Year

Rather than do a ‘Top Ten’ this year, I thought I’d be less reductive and do a month-by-month breakdown of my year’s early modern theatre-going. It’s been an interesting year, with some real ups and downs and productions which I still feel conflicted about. Still, here goes! January Propeller’s The Merchant of Venice at Liverpool …

Shakespeare and Co. in 2010

Here’s the so-far full list of Shakespeare and other Early Modernists I’m aware of for 2010. Almost certainly there are omissions, and if anyone has any tips of anything else relevant coming up in the new year, I’ll be happy to add it to the list (Duncan, I’m looking at you, but anyone else as …