May 20, 2024, by Arts Placements

Jet-Setting Across Platforms: Social Media Marketing with Third Culture Nellie

By Megan Brown

Finding the opportunity

As an individual who not only aspires to work in the marketing industry but also thoroughly enjoys travel, I knew I had to apply when I came across a placement opportunity with Third Culture Nellie. This placement felt like a perfect fit, especially with the possibility of working remotely. I applied immediately, with the hope of gaining greater experience within the industry and expanding on my personal skills. After undertaking the application process; which was fairly straightforward, I received the exciting news. I could not wait to get started.

Getting ahead

Before the placement itself, I covered the pre-placement briefing organised by the helpful Faculty of Arts placement staff. This provided me with the advice and support needed going into a workplace environment. My introductory call with Third Culture Nellie, was friendly and reassuring. We discussed both of our expectations for this placement opportunity and what we wanted to gain from it. I was later provided with an Edexcel spreadsheet where I uploaded my weekly hours and my preferred days. Due to the flexibility and doing 7-8 hours weekly, I was able to manage my placement and studies easily.

What I did

Through out my time working with Third Culture Nellie, I helped out with editing blog posts, uploading articles online, creating posts/content and distributing across several different media platforms. This experience taught me to compress images and utilize SEO on software, such as WordPress,  tasks I was uneducated on previously. Whereas, tasks I was previously familiar with, further allowed me to apply my learning and adapt my skills to alternate working environments. I also developed my knowledge of analysing trends to figure out the kind of content better suited to, and popular with, audiences interested in travel. My main overall focus being the creation of Pinterest pins through the use of Canva. I learnt that Pinterest was a great platform for encouraging traffic to a website, from uploading pins, creating boards and building a strong presence online. These tasks were enlightening and taught me a lot about the methods and tools used amongst social media marketing, to attract audiences to your page.

Whilst this placement was completely remote, I had constant communication with Third Culture Nellie, meaning I always had support throughout.  I received useful and encouraging answers whenever I had a question.

What I gained

After the placement had ended, I finished feeling accomplished. I gained experience that will help me in future careers and left feeling as though I had made a difference. Nellie provided me with Pinterest analytics from the past month.  These showed that the pins I created and uploaded were successful.  Third Culture Nellie and I, shared equal appreciation for the time and work put in.

All in all, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity. I definitely recommend the Faculty of Arts Placement Moodle page and your regular career emails to get involved.

Posted in Creative ContentMarketingUnpaid placement