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February 28, 2022, by Matthew Lumley

What a difference a Module of the Year nomination makes

By Matt Lumley, Nottingham Advantage Award Coordinator and the Social Impact Game team 

You have the opportunity to nominate the Nottingham Advantage Award module that has had the most positive impact on your personal and professional development.   

It is more about the quality of what you write than the number of nominations we receive. So, the more you tell us about how great your favourite module is, the better chance it has of winning.   

All you need to do to nominate your Module of the Year is fill out our simple online form 

In this article read from last year’s winner and how you can help celebrate the work of our module convenors. 

What happened last time? 

From your nominations we shortlisted the following and chose your winner:  

More about the winning module 

The Social Impact Game, co-created with an external consultants Learning Without Borders, brings students, alumni and Nottingham organisations together to undertake Social Impact Projects in the Nottingham community.    

The programme enables you to make a measurable difference in the ‘real world’.  By participating, you can build your confidence, resilience and lead projects that make a lasting difference. You can do this through hands-on experience, workshops and coaching sessions.   

In 2019-20, the teams produced ten projects, working with organisations based in the East Midlands.  

Examples included:  

1) Formulating a long-term solution to tackling Misogyny Hate Crime in Nottingham by partnering with Nottingham Women’s Centre.  You created and delivered your own training workshop aimed at improving men’s understanding of the issue and encouraging them to report it.  These changes are now incorporated into the work of the University’s Pro Bono Society. This ensures your work continues to help the community.   

2) Increasing local awareness and community engagement to support Foodprint. This student-founded social supermarket re-distributes surplus food to the community.  As a result, the number of community volunteers increased and you co-created strategies to maintain the recruitment of new community volunteers. After previously struggling for resources, the supermarket is now able to be open four days a week throughout the year.  

What your nomination meant? 

It was fantastic to see the Social Impact that your projects made in the local community and hear how much the module had helped you in developing your teamwork, organisation and project management skills.  

We are so pleased that the hard work and dedication of the team and Learning Without Borders has been recognised. Particularly as this was our first year as a module on the Nottingham Advantage Award. 

The advice, guidance and support provided by the Nottingham Advantage Award and Careers teams has been invaluable. We would like to say a massive thank you to the team for helping the Social Impact Game to flourish. 

The Social Impact Game team 

What did you, the students, say? 

This module has been an amazing learning opportunity. The techniques and strategies that I have learnt will transfer to my studies and to future jobs. The team have been unwavering in their support and their enthusiasm. I feel more comfortable in public speaking and delivering a project that will make a positive social impact.” 

“The experience was one of a kind. I’ve learned how to work on real-life projects and have interacted with potential employers. I now have a better idea of what employers are looking for when hiring. I’ve also picked up technical skills that I wouldn’t have thought necessary if not for this module.” 

“The support received by all the staff involved has been amazing. The team have helped to build my confidence and realise that I can make a difference. I have enjoyed the whole process.  This module has taught me the importance of teamwork and how to network with others. It has helped me in figuring out where I would like to go in the future.” 

“The workshops helped me figure out my overall purpose and why I continue to do the activities I do. I have already used the skills I gained throughout this module to help me obtain another placement. I do not believe I could have achieved this without the help of the module convenors and my experience undertaking the project.” 

Show your appreciation and nominate now 

 Have you had a great experience on an Advantage Award module? Has it helped you develop your skills or impacted on you personally? Why not say thank you by nominating it for Module of the Year 

The winning module and other shortlisted modules will receive a certificate to recognise their achievements. 

Contact and Follow us 

You can keep up-to-date on the Nottingham Advantage Award via social media, so please like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. 

Want to speak to one of the Award team then please contact us at

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