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At the Heart of Volunteering and Community

On Tuesday 14 October 2014 I attended the Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service’s (NCVS) Annual Event at their offices on Mansfield Road. What a great way to meet with people from various organisations across Nottingham.  The theme of the event was ‘At the Heart of the City’ and it is true that the NCVS has …

Communicating Nutrition

Our guest blog is written by Tamsin Stanger who is a 3rd year Nutritional Biochemistry student based at the Sutton Bonington Campus. Tamsin took part in a Nottingham Advantage Award Module, Communicating Nutrition, in the Spring of 2014. The module is jointly run by Community Partnerships and the Careers & Employability Service and involved Tamsin …

Knowing me, knowing you – part V

Welcome to the fifth blog in our ‘get to know you’ series, this time it’s the turn of……. Name Chris Holmes How long have you worked here? I’ve been in this role since April 2013, so at the time of writing nearly 18 months. Where do you work? I’m based in room A20 at the …