Exam preparation

Video >> Students talk about how they organise their revision, check their learning, and prepare to take exams. Visit the University’s Studying Effectively website for more on learning at University.

Trigger exams: assessing decision making

Video >> Paul Crawford: “And we have innovative assessments, such as the DVD trigger examination, which I introduced with colleagues a year ago, and is evaluated really well. “If we’re going to assess students on their health communication, that’s not easy to do. You can’t really do that very easily within a school setting. So …

Feedback on exams: written sheets in History

Video >> Kate:  “One of the aspects about feedback which is being discussed quite widely at the moment is making the most of all the opportunities we’ve had. For example, when the students have sat written exams…” Nick Thomas:  “Yes.” Kate:  “What’s the view of the history department on feedback on exams?” Nick: “Yes, this …

Negotiating reasonable adjustments for online exams

Video >> Kate: “One of the things that I know you have been involved with is the development and introduction of online assessments, online exams. Can you tell us a little bit about what you do with the online exams?” Simon Wilkinson, Medical Education Unit: “Yes, well, in the unit I’ve been developing the software …

Feedback on exams: 1 to 1 tutorials in Geography

Video >> Bob Dugdale, Geography:  “Normally we give them their numeric marks as soon as we can after the exams. There’s a prepared sheet for each module which gives them the actual exam questions they answered and the mark they got for that, so by the end of each Semester they – or shortly after …

Dyslexic students and exams: giving effective feedback on performance

Video >> Kate: “What are the common problems that you hear about in relation to the formal written examinations as faced by a dyslexic student?” Barbara Taylor: “A number of my students sit with me and actually go through past papers as part of their preparation for exams. They are really anxious about answering the …