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Posts by Dushy

It’s the FINAL Blog post

Hello, hello, hello, yes it has been a VERY LONG time since I last blogged. I apologise for being a bit out of the loop. A lot has happened since my last blog post, so lets have a little round up on what’s happened.   Post results trip to New York! As soon as my …

Results Day

It is coming up to the end of the academic year and most of us will be receiving our results on the final Friday from our tutors or on Bluecastle the following Monday. For me this results day would be the last time I would ever have to have those horrible nightmares about missing out …

What to do when you’re FREE!!!

2 weeks I ago, I finished my final exam ever and I was set free back into the non-revising world. Where have these last two weeks gone, I have no idea. And to think in another 2 weeks I’ll be told my results, I do not like it. However if you are just finishing up …

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A Levels Vs Final Year Exams

We are now less than 2 weeks to go until our fate is decided. Yes I know it’s a bit dramatic, but to me these last few exams really do decide my future (deep breaths, it’s all going to be ok!). The last time I faced exams as important as these were 3 years ago …

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Revision fuel

  Following on from my previous blog about what to listen to when revising, we now turn to the next complication when studying: what to eat?! Many people have told us that we need to eat right in order to fuel our brain to keep working, but what does this actually mean?   Eat like …

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The Ultimate Revision Playlist

  Revising in total silence is incredibly dangerous for me. Firstly I get bored and just turn to my phone when it’s quiet. I tried one week to revise without any music or noise and I went crazy. So music makes me sane, but it has to be certain types of music during the different …

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Easter in Notts

  Even though I am a home student, I have chose to spend the majority of my Easter holiday here in Nottingham so that I can focus on these final exams! Little did I know that Nottingham changes as soon as students leave. Here are a few pros and cons about staying in Nottingham over …

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My Nottingham food bucket list

As a student, I admit I have gone out to eat A LOT (student budget say what?). Over the past couple of years so many new restaurants have popped up all over Nottingham and I just can’t keep up with all these new changes. This has made me start a bucket list of places I …

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Sitting in the library today I saw many prospective students and parents looking lost around campus for the UCAS visit days. This made me realize, around 3 years ago in February was the first time I came to this university for the very same reason. On that day (as cheesy as it sounds) I did …

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Disclaimer: This may make you hungry.

So in my final year I set myself the challenge of taking a picture everyday to remind me of my last year in Nottingham. However quickly this just turned into a very large album containing pictures of food. It made me realize that over the years at Nottingham I have suddenly learnt how to cook, …

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