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Posts by Emma

5 Mental Health Services you can access at Uni

It’s a stressful time of year for us all, with deadlines looming and exams not so far behind. But regardless of whether you’re totally on top of everything, or waking up in a cold sweat every day at 5am stressing about all the work you have to do, mental health problems can affect us all. …

Things I would rather do than write my dissertation.

  Eat the world’s most horrible vegetable Pluck every single hair out of my body with a pair of tweezers  Travel across the Pacific Ocean with only Nigel Farage for company Write a blog post for the Student Life blog Superglue myself to one of the hopper buses Teach a bee how to play golf …

3rd Year Bucket List

How is it already March? With less than a semester left of my degree, I’ve been compiling a list of things I want to try and do before I graduate and move away from Nottingham! Take a look at what I’ve got so far: Go to Sherwood Forest Somehow I’ve been living in Nottingham for …

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4 of the best online games for revision breaks

Christmas is over, New Years has come and gone, and it’s time to get stuck into some good old fashioned revision. And along with revision comes revision breaks. Those blissful few minutes between typing up lecture notes where your brain can finally relax. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or Snapchat, I’ve recently taken to …

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The Great British Bake Off: The Kindest Show on TV

In these uncertain times of Brexit and Isis, of the migrant crisis and Donald Trump, it’s easy to get downhearted with the state of the world.  But on Wednesday evenings in September and October, this great nation has a shining beacon of hope: The Great British Bake Off. Let’s run through the things that make …

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University: Expectations vs Reality

Freshers week is nearly upon us and a whole bunch of new students are going to be joining us! Welcome to the herd! Coming to university is probably one of the most exciting, scary, difficult and fun experiences ever. And of course with any big event, there are all sorts of expectations! And if you …

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How to read more?

When I was a kid, I almost always had my head a book. Whether it was at the dinner table, walking down the street, in the shower, if it was possible to read a book, I would be reading one. My parents actually had to tell me off for reading too much sometimes. But since …

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Three badass shows about badass women you need to be watching this summer

So that’s it. Exams are over, results are out and Britain has voted to leave the EU. And whether it’s been good news or bad, you can now finally binge watch all of the shows you said you would watch during revision. But as soon as you sit down to fully appreciate all of the …

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Keeping Cheerful During Exam Time

It’s mental health awareness week this week and in this time of seemingly never-ending stress, sleep deprivation and general misery, it’s more important than ever to look after your mental health. Whether you’ve been spending all night every night in the library, or have left it all to a last minute cram, it’s important to …

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On Creativity and Science

A bit of an unusual post today, particularly in the midst of this manic revision time but this is something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently, which is probably because I’m majorly procrastinating. What I want to address today is the relationship between creativity and science. Most people think of science as a strictly …

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