December 12, 2016, by Joshua Smith

What does a Dietetic student have for breakfast? (if they get up late)

I’m quite an early riser, but every now and then I just love hitting the snooze button on my phone. Fortunately, as I suspect most nutrition and dietetic students do, I’ve got a couple of really healthy quick recipes in my locker.

This shake is so simple but it tastes great, kinda like one of those super sugary costa fruit frappe’s (the only difference being that it’s pretty healthy).


If you are busy revising or have an early morning lecture, it’s the perfect meal replacement if you are really pushed for time.

Plus when you’re in a rush, it’s so easy to skip a meal and if you’re hungry you know you aren’t going to be on top form for class.

Skipping meals is also going to lead to making really bad food choices later on in the day.

Before you know it another £30 pizza order is on it’s way or (worse?) the breakfast sandwich option starts to look strangely appealing…but it doesn’t have to be like this.

Although as a general nutritional rule it’s not really wise to get to too many of our calories from beverages, but this shake is nutritionally rich and balanced with protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates for energy.

What’s better is that it only takes a couple of minutes to make.

All of the ingredients (apart from the Protein Powder, which a 2 month supply can generally be had for around £25-30) can be bought at supermarkets like Aldi or Tesco quite cheaply.


 1-2 scoops of protein powder (whey, soy or vegan) I’ve gone for Vanilla flavoured here.

1 handful of frozen mixed berries.

1-2 cubes of frozen spinach.

1-2 teaspoon of milled flaxseed.

Around 400ml of milk (semi skimmed, soya, whichever you use)


Around 400ml of water (adjust for thickness preference)


So simple.

Throw all of the ingredients in a blender and blend. Your shakeee is ready to go in a couple of minutes.


Posted in Joshua