July 25, 2019, by Charlotte Anscombe

Don’t let your pooch be a hot dog!!

With temperatures sky-rocketing this week, our beloved pets are really feeling the heat.

Here, Dr Jenny Stavisky from our Vet School gives pet-owners some advice on how to keep your pets cool during the heatwave.

  • Walk your dogs early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler, or give everyone a day off!

  • Swimming can be a great way to cool hot pooches. Check running water is safe, and if taking them to swim in ponds or lakes, check for updates on poisonous blue green algae which can bloom in hot weather

  • Remember hot pavements can burn paws. If you’re not sure if it’s too hot underpaw, try going barefoot – if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pooch!

  • Make sure all animals have somewhere cool and shaded to rest, and have access to clean, fresh water

  • Oldies, animals with other illnesses and brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds are the most susceptible to overheating, so keep an extra close eye on them

  • Make sure other pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs are checked, ideally twice daily, and ensure hutches are in the shade. Check temperatures with a max/min thermometer, available for greenhouses

  • Be sure to check pets all over – any wounds or dirty bottoms can attract flies and quickly cause flystrike, a life-threatening condition.

  • Talk to your vet about suitable insect repellents if necessary. It’s essential to only use a product in the right kind of animal, e.g do not use dog products on cats or rabbits without veterinary advice, as some can be toxic

  • Signs of heatstroke include collapse, vomiting and diarrhoea, panting, drooling and loss of consciousness – call your vet right away if you see these signs!

  • Likewise, if your cat is panting, call your vet immediately. Cats usually breathe through their noses, so panting can be a sign of serious problems.


Posted in School of Veterinary Medicine and Science