January 9, 2014, by Graham Kendall

Can a Chess Computer Play Poker and Deliver Groceries?

We have just had a piece published in TheConversation (other posts featuring TheConversation can be seen here) that discusses more general algorithms.

Using Chess and Poker to draw people in is a good way to generate interest, but the real story is about hyper-heuristics, an area that the ASAP research group has pioneered in recent years.

These algorithms attempt to be more general, in that they would like to adapt to different problem instances and problems domains, without the need to re-write the underlying algorithm.

If you are interested in these type of algorithms, we have recently published a survey paper (also available on my home page). There are also a wide variety of other hyper-heuristic papers on my publication page.

Posted in DisseminationFoSResearch at UNMC