July 16, 2013, by Graham Kendall

CFFRC Doctoral Training Centre: Update

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the CFFRC Doctoral Training Centre (CFFRC DTC), which is a partnership between the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) and Crops for the Future Research Centre (CFFRC).  The DTC will bring together all the students funded under CFFRCPLUS Scholarship Scheme (http://www.nottingham.edu.my/CFFRC/Projects/index.aspx), which is a major initiative announced by CFFRC and UNMC last year.

You can read previous posts about CFFRC (if you need reminding what it is all about!) here.

If you have any questions regarding CFFRC DTC or CFFRCPLUS Scholarship Scheme please contact:

The first students within the DTC have already registered and we are looking forward to registering many more over the coming months.

Posted in CFFRC