June 29, 2015, by Andrew Gibson

Panels from Day 2: Science and civil society; Responsible innovation, impact and the economy; Science, social science, and the changing role of the university

From the second day of our conference Circling the Square 2


Panel 4: Science and civil society
Panellists:  Stevienna deSaille (Sheffield), Maurice Frankel (CFOI), Helen Pallett (UEA), Ben Pile (writer). Chair: Alison Mohr

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Panel 5: Responsible innovation, impact and the economy
Panellists: Sarah Hartley (Nottingham), Kathryn Oliver (UCL), Alexandra Saxon (RCUK), Jack Stilgoe (UCL). Chair: Philip Moriarty

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Panel 6: Science, social science, and the changing role of the university
Panellists: Trevor Farren (Nottingham), John Holmwood (Nottingham), Richard Jones (Sheffield), Claire Marris (KCL). Chair: Meghan Gray

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