Author Profile


Pharmacy Student, Nottingham/Malaysia

Hello there! I’m Olivia and I am from Malaysia. I currently study Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham and am in my fourth year. My year group was the first to try out the “shiny and new” Pharmacy course which started in September 2012. Although it has been a lot of hard work and long hours, I am thoroughly enjoying myself and life as a university student. A tiny bit sad that this is all coming to an end soon though!

I enjoy traveling, baking, photography and coffee LOTS of coffee. Even after three years of practice, I still do not like 9 am lectures.

I took up this opportunity to be a student blogger in the hopes that I would be motivated into documenting my short time at university. I try to blog as often as I can so stick around and look out for my posts for an insight into my (occasionally) exciting life as a university student. I promise not to bore you with too many details, unless you ask of course. Also feel free to leave comments on any of my posts as I enjoy reading those as well.