June 17, 2013, by Alan Sommerstein

Menander in Contexts

Fifteen of the papers from last year’s Nottingham conference on Menander in Contexts,  byscholars from seven countries, are due to be published by Routledge in January 2014 as a book with the same title.

It is over a century since Menander made his first great step back from the shades with the publication of the Cairo codex, and over half a century since we were first able to read one of his plays virtually complete; since that time our knowledge of his work has been continually enhanced by further papyrus discoveries.  The conference, and the book, have sought to examine and explore the Menander we know today in the light of the various literary, intellectual and social contexts in which they can be viewed, more particularly in relation to

  • the society, culture and politics of the post-Alexander decades
  • the intellectual currents of the period
  • literary precursors and intertexts, especially in comedy and tragedy
  • the reception of Menander, in antiquity and in modern times
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